This year is our 2nd year participating in Lads to Leaders. Lads to Leaders is a program for all ages that gives kids an opportunity to learn how to lead. They offer different categories to compete in, such as speech, song leading and good samaritan, among many. This allows children to learn how to get up in front of a crowd and deliver a message or any type of service, hopefully grooming boys to step up and lead in worship and girls to prepare ladies days. We started participating last year with 24 adults and 11 kids. This year we are participating with 17 kids and 33 adults, so we are very proud of our congreagation for stepping up to support our youth! It is extremelly encouraging to see how many adults are so willing to work with and love our youth in this way. We are involved in a variety of events with large participation, on both the adult and student sides…
- Bible Bowl
- Song Leading
- Speech
- Puppets
- Mass Media (obviously!)
- Art Says It
- Good Samaritan
- Centurion of Scripture
- Know the Books
- Oral Bible Reading
- Bulliten Board
- Read the Word
- Parade of Leaders and
- Year Round Song Leading
We have been proud to learn and grow, but the best part of all of this is the relationships that have formed between the diverse age groups of our congreagtion through this program.
“For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with the saints, and members of God’s household”
Ephesians 2:18-19